Anyone who is curious, feel free to take a look

I am a mid 20's engineering student who longs for the days of the oldschool internet.

Some would call this Anemoia since I was too young to really experience how the internet was during the 90's really was...back when everything wasn't as commercialized and felt much more like a wild west of sorts.

The internet used to feel like a place you could escape to in order to get away from the rest of the world. Now, it seems like it IS the world with the amount of people that are constantly online for hours consuming their news, socializing with their friends etc. Not to say that the internet or social media use is a bad thing. I'd say it's incredibly beneficial in a lot of aspects, but I feel many people have (to put into lack of better words) gotten lost in the sauce.

TL;DR Just a personal diary and place to vent and express myself.

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.